Source code for ftrack_api.event.hub

# :coding: utf-8
# :copyright: Copyright (c) 2013 ftrack

from __future__ import absolute_import

from future import standard_library
from builtins import str
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
import collections
import urllib.parse
import threading
import queue as queue
import logging
import time
import uuid
import operator
import functools
import json
import socket
import warnings
import ssl

import requests
import requests.exceptions
import websocket

import ftrack_api.exception
import ftrack_api.event.base
import ftrack_api.event.subscriber
import ftrack_api.event.expression
from ftrack_api.logging import LazyLogMessage as L

SocketIoSession = collections.namedtuple('SocketIoSession', [

ServerDetails = collections.namedtuple('ServerDetails', [

[docs]class EventHub(object): '''Manage routing of events.'''
[docs] def __init__(self, server_url, api_user, api_key): '''Initialise hub, connecting to ftrack *server_url*. *api_user* is the user to authenticate as and *api_key* is the API key to authenticate with. ''' super(EventHub, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger( __name__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__ ) = uuid.uuid4().hex self._connection = None self._unique_packet_id = 0 self._packet_callbacks = {} self._lock = threading.RLock() self._wait_timeout = 4 self._subscribers = [] self._reply_callbacks = {} self._intentional_disconnect = False self._event_queue = queue.Queue() self._event_namespace = 'ftrack.event' self._expression_parser = ftrack_api.event.expression.Parser() # Track if a connection has been initialised. self._connection_initialised = False # Default values for auto reconnection timeout on unintentional # disconnection. Equates to 5 minutes. self._auto_reconnect_attempts = 30 self._auto_reconnect_delay = 10 # Mapping of Socket.IO codes to meaning. self._code_name_mapping = { '0': 'disconnect', '1': 'connect', '2': 'heartbeat', '3': 'message', '4': 'json', '5': 'event', '6': 'acknowledge', '7': 'error' } self._code_name_mapping.update( dict((name, code) for code, name in list(self._code_name_mapping.items())) ) self._server_url = server_url self._api_user = api_user self._api_key = api_key # Parse server URL and store server details. url_parse_result = urllib.parse.urlparse(self._server_url) if not url_parse_result.scheme: raise ValueError('Could not determine scheme from server url.') if not url_parse_result.hostname: raise ValueError('Could not determine hostname from server url.') self.server = ServerDetails( url_parse_result.scheme, url_parse_result.hostname, url_parse_result.port )
[docs] def get_server_url(self): '''Return URL to server.''' return '{0}://{1}'.format( self.server.scheme, self.get_network_location() )
[docs] def get_network_location(self): '''Return network location part of url (hostname with optional port).''' if self.server.port: return '{0}:{1}'.format(self.server.hostname, self.server.port) else: return self.server.hostname
@property def secure(self): '''Return whether secure connection used.''' return self.server.scheme == 'https'
[docs] def connect(self): '''Initialise connection to server. Raise :exc:`ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError` if already connected or connection fails. ''' # Update tracking flag for connection. self._connection_initialised = True if self.connected: raise ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError( 'Already connected.' ) # Reset flag tracking whether disconnection was intentional. self._intentional_disconnect = False try: # Connect to server using websocket transport. session = self._get_socket_io_session() if 'websocket' not in session.supportedTransports: raise ValueError( 'Server does not support websocket sessions.' ) scheme = 'wss' if else 'ws' url = '{0}://{1}/{2}'.format( scheme, self.get_network_location(), ) # Select highest available protocol for websocket connection. ssl_protocols = [ 'PROTOCOL_TLS', 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2' ] available_ssl_protocol = None for ssl_protocol in ssl_protocols: if hasattr(ssl, ssl_protocol): available_ssl_protocol = getattr(ssl, ssl_protocol) self.logger.debug( 'Using protocol {} to connect to websocket.'.format( ssl_protocol )) break # timeout is set to 60 seconds to avoid the issue where the socket # ends up in a bad state where it is reported as connected but the # connection has been closed. The issue happens often when connected # to a secure socket and the computer goes to sleep. # More information on how the timeout works can be found here: # self._connection = websocket.create_connection( url, timeout=60, sslopt={"ssl_version": available_ssl_protocol} ) except Exception as error: error_message = ( 'Failed to connect to event server at {server_url} with ' 'error: "{error}".' ) error_details = { 'error': str(error), 'server_url': self.get_server_url() } self.logger.debug( L( error_message, **error_details ), exc_info=1 ) raise ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError( error_message, details=error_details ) # Start background processing thread. self._processor_thread = _ProcessorThread(self) self._processor_thread.start() # Subscribe to reply events if not already. Note: Only adding the # subscriber locally as the following block will notify server of all # existing subscribers, which would cause the server to report a # duplicate subscriber error if EventHub.subscribe was called here. try: self._add_subscriber( 'topic=ftrack.meta.reply', self._handle_reply, subscriber=dict( ) ) except ftrack_api.exception.NotUniqueError: pass # Now resubscribe any existing stored subscribers. This can happen when # reconnecting automatically for example. for subscriber in self._subscribers[:]: self._notify_server_about_subscriber(subscriber)
@property def connected(self): '''Return if connected.''' return self._connection is not None and self._connection.connected
[docs] def disconnect(self, unsubscribe=True): '''Disconnect from server. Raise :exc:`ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError` if not currently connected. If *unsubscribe* is True then unsubscribe all current subscribers automatically before disconnecting. ''' if not self.connected: raise ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError( 'Not currently connected.' ) else: # Set flag to indicate disconnection was intentional. self._intentional_disconnect = True # Set blocking to true on socket to make sure unsubscribe events # are emitted before closing the connection. self._connection.sock.setblocking(1) # Unsubscribe all subscribers. if unsubscribe: for subscriber in self._subscribers[:]: self.unsubscribe(subscriber.metadata['id']) # Now disconnect. self._connection.close() self._connection = None # Shutdown background processing thread. self._processor_thread.cancel() # Join to it if it is not current thread to help ensure a clean # shutdown. if threading.current_thread() != self._processor_thread: self._processor_thread.join(self._wait_timeout)
[docs] def reconnect(self, attempts=10, delay=5): '''Reconnect to server. Make *attempts* number of attempts with *delay* in seconds between each attempt. .. note:: All current subscribers will be automatically resubscribed after successful reconnection. Raise :exc:`ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError` if fail to reconnect. ''' try: self.disconnect(unsubscribe=False) except ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError: pass for attempt in range(attempts): self.logger.debug(L( 'Reconnect attempt {0} of {1}', attempt, attempts )) # Silence logging temporarily to avoid lots of failed connection # related information. try: logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) try: self.connect() except ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError: time.sleep(delay) else: break finally: logging.disable(logging.NOTSET) if not self.connected: raise ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError( 'Failed to reconnect to event server at {0} after {1} attempts.' .format(self.get_server_url(), attempts) )
[docs] def wait(self, duration=None): '''Wait for events and handle as they arrive. If *duration* is specified, then only process events until duration is reached. *duration* is in seconds though float values can be used for smaller values. ''' if not self._connection_initialised: raise ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError( 'Event hub does not have a connection to the event server and ' 'will therefore only be able to receive syncronous events.' 'Please see' 'release/migration.html#default-behavior-for-connecting-to-event-hub' ' for further information.' ) started = time.time() while True: try: event = self._event_queue.get(timeout=0.1) except queue.Empty: pass else: self._handle(event) # Additional special processing of events. if event['topic'] == 'ftrack.meta.disconnected': break if duration is not None: if (time.time() - started) > duration: break
[docs] def get_subscriber_by_identifier(self, identifier): '''Return subscriber with matching *identifier*. Return None if no subscriber with *identifier* found. ''' for subscriber in self._subscribers[:]: if subscriber.metadata.get('id') == identifier: return subscriber return None
[docs] def subscribe(self, subscription, callback, subscriber=None, priority=100): '''Register *callback* for *subscription*. A *subscription* is a string that can specify in detail which events the callback should receive. The filtering is applied against each event object. Nested references are supported using '.' separators. For example, 'topic=foo and data.eventType=Shot' would match the following event:: <Event {'topic': 'foo', 'data': {'eventType': 'Shot'}}> The *callback* should accept an instance of :class:`ftrack_api.event.base.Event` as its sole argument. Callbacks are called in order of *priority*. The lower the priority number the sooner it will be called, with 0 being the first. The default priority is 100. Note that priority only applies against other callbacks registered with this hub and not as a global priority. An earlier callback can prevent processing of subsequent callbacks by calling :meth:`Event.stop` on the passed `event` before returning. .. warning:: Handlers block processing of other received events. For long running callbacks it is advisable to delegate the main work to another process or thread. A *callback* can be attached to *subscriber* information that details the subscriber context. A subscriber context will be generated automatically if not supplied. .. note:: The subscription will be stored locally, but until the server receives notification of the subscription it is possible the callback will not be called. Return subscriber identifier. Raise :exc:`ftrack_api.exception.NotUniqueError` if a subscriber with the same identifier already exists. ''' # Add subscriber locally. subscriber = self._add_subscriber( subscription, callback, subscriber, priority ) # Notify server now if possible. try: self._notify_server_about_subscriber(subscriber) except ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError: self.logger.debug(L( 'Failed to notify server about new subscriber {0} ' 'as server not currently reachable.', subscriber.metadata['id'] )) return subscriber.metadata['id']
def _add_subscriber( self, subscription, callback, subscriber=None, priority=100 ): '''Add subscriber locally. See :meth:`subscribe` for argument descriptions. Return :class:`ftrack_api.event.subscriber.Subscriber` instance. Raise :exc:`ftrack_api.exception.NotUniqueError` if a subscriber with the same identifier already exists. ''' if subscriber is None: subscriber = {} subscriber.setdefault('id', uuid.uuid4().hex) # Check subscriber not already subscribed. existing_subscriber = self.get_subscriber_by_identifier( subscriber['id'] ) if existing_subscriber is not None: raise ftrack_api.exception.NotUniqueError( 'Subscriber with identifier {0} already exists.' .format(subscriber['id']) ) subscriber = ftrack_api.event.subscriber.Subscriber( subscription=subscription, callback=callback, metadata=subscriber, priority=priority ) self._subscribers.append(subscriber) return subscriber def _notify_server_about_subscriber(self, subscriber): '''Notify server of new *subscriber*.''' subscribe_event = ftrack_api.event.base.Event( topic='ftrack.meta.subscribe', data=dict( subscriber=subscriber.metadata, subscription=str(subscriber.subscription) ) ) self._publish( subscribe_event, callback=functools.partial(self._on_subscribed, subscriber) ) def _on_subscribed(self, subscriber, response): '''Handle acknowledgement of subscription.''' if response.get('success') is False: self.logger.warning(L( 'Server failed to subscribe subscriber {0}: {1}', subscriber.metadata['id'], response.get('message') ))
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, subscriber_identifier): '''Unsubscribe subscriber with *subscriber_identifier*. .. note:: If the server is not reachable then it won't be notified of the unsubscription. However, the subscriber will be removed locally regardless. ''' subscriber = self.get_subscriber_by_identifier(subscriber_identifier) if subscriber is None: raise ftrack_api.exception.NotFoundError( 'Cannot unsubscribe missing subscriber with identifier {0}' .format(subscriber_identifier) ) self._subscribers.pop(self._subscribers.index(subscriber)) # Notify the server if possible. unsubscribe_event = ftrack_api.event.base.Event( topic='ftrack.meta.unsubscribe', data=dict(subscriber=subscriber.metadata) ) try: self._publish( unsubscribe_event, callback=functools.partial(self._on_unsubscribed, subscriber) ) except ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError: self.logger.debug(L( 'Failed to notify server to unsubscribe subscriber {0} as ' 'server not currently reachable.', subscriber.metadata['id'] ))
def _on_unsubscribed(self, subscriber, response): '''Handle acknowledgement of unsubscribing *subscriber*.''' if response.get('success') is not True: self.logger.warning(L( 'Server failed to unsubscribe subscriber {0}: {1}', subscriber.metadata['id'], response.get('message') )) def _prepare_event(self, event): '''Prepare *event* for sending.''' event['source'].setdefault('id', event['source'].setdefault('user', { 'username': self._api_user }) def _prepare_reply_event(self, event, source_event, source=None): '''Prepare *event* as a reply to another *source_event*. Modify *event*, setting appropriate values to target event correctly as a reply. ''' event['target'] = 'id={0}'.format(source_event['source']['id']) event['in_reply_to_event'] = source_event['id'] if source is not None: event['source'] = source
[docs] def publish( self, event, synchronous=False, on_reply=None, on_error='raise' ): '''Publish *event*. If *synchronous* is specified as True then this method will wait and return a list of results from any called callbacks. .. note:: Currently, if synchronous is True then only locally registered callbacks will be called and no event will be sent to the server. This may change in future. *on_reply* is an optional callable to call with any reply event that is received in response to the published *event*. .. note:: Will not be called when *synchronous* is True. If *on_error* is set to 'ignore' then errors raised during publish of event will be caught by this method and ignored. ''' try: return self._publish( event, synchronous=synchronous, on_reply=on_reply ) except Exception: if on_error == 'ignore': pass else: raise
[docs] def publish_reply(self, source_event, data, source=None): '''Publish a reply event to *source_event* with supplied *data*. If *source* is specified it will be used for the source value of the sent event. ''' reply_event = ftrack_api.event.base.Event( 'ftrack.meta.reply', data=data ) self._prepare_reply_event(reply_event, source_event, source=source) self.publish(reply_event)
def _publish(self, event, synchronous=False, callback=None, on_reply=None): '''Publish *event*. If *synchronous* is specified as True then this method will wait and return a list of results from any called callbacks. .. note:: Currently, if synchronous is True then only locally registered callbacks will be called and no event will be sent to the server. This may change in future. A *callback* can also be specified. This callback will be called once the server acknowledges receipt of the sent event. A default callback that checks for errors from the server will be used if not specified. *on_reply* is an optional callable to call with any reply event that is received in response to the published *event*. Note that there is no guarantee that a reply will be sent. Raise :exc:`ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError` if not currently connected. ''' # Prepare event adding any relevant additional information. self._prepare_event(event) if synchronous: # Bypass emitting event to server and instead call locally # registered handlers directly, collecting and returning results. return self._handle(event, synchronous=synchronous) if not self.connected: raise ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError( 'Cannot publish event asynchronously as not connected to ' 'server.' ) # Use standard callback if none specified. if callback is None: callback = functools.partial(self._on_published, event) # Emit event to central server for asynchronous processing. try: # Register on reply callback if specified. if on_reply is not None: # TODO: Add cleanup process that runs after a set duration to # garbage collect old reply callbacks and prevent dictionary # growing too large. self._reply_callbacks[event['id']] = on_reply try: self._emit_event_packet( self._event_namespace, event, callback=callback ) except ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError: # Connection may have dropped temporarily. Wait a few moments to # see if background thread reconnects automatically. time.sleep(15) self._emit_event_packet( self._event_namespace, event, callback=callback ) except: raise except Exception: # Failure to send event should not cause caller to fail. # TODO: This behaviour is inconsistent with the failing earlier on # lack of connection and also with the error handling parameter of # EventHub.publish. Consider refactoring. self.logger.exception(L('Error sending event {0}.', event)) def _on_published(self, event, response): '''Handle acknowledgement of published event.''' if response.get('success', False) is False: self.logger.error(L( 'Server responded with error while publishing event {0}. ' 'Error was: {1}', event, response.get('message') )) def _handle(self, event, synchronous=False): '''Handle *event*. If *synchronous* is True, do not send any automatic reply events. ''' # Sort by priority, lower is higher. # TODO: Use a sorted list to avoid sorting each time in order to improve # performance. subscribers = sorted( self._subscribers, key=operator.attrgetter('priority') ) results = [] target = event.get('target', None) target_expression = None if target: try: target_expression = self._expression_parser.parse(target) except Exception: self.logger.exception(L( 'Cannot handle event as failed to parse event target ' 'information: {0}', event )) return for subscriber in subscribers: # Check if event is targeted to the subscriber. if ( target_expression is not None and not target_expression.match(subscriber.metadata) ): continue # Check if subscriber interested in the event. if not subscriber.interested_in(event): continue response = None try: response = subscriber.callback(event) results.append(response) except Exception: self.logger.exception(L( 'Error calling subscriber {0} for event {1}.', subscriber, event )) # Automatically publish a non None response as a reply when not in # synchronous mode. if not synchronous: if response is not None: try: self.publish_reply( event, data=response, source=subscriber.metadata ) except Exception: self.logger.exception(L( 'Error publishing response {0} from subscriber {1} ' 'for event {2}.', response, subscriber, event )) # Check whether to continue processing topic event. if event.is_stopped(): self.logger.debug(L( 'Subscriber {0} stopped event {1}. Will not process ' 'subsequent subscriber callbacks for this event.', subscriber, event )) break return results def _handle_reply(self, event): '''Handle reply *event*, passing it to any registered callback.''' callback = self._reply_callbacks.get(event['in_reply_to_event'], None) if callback is not None: callback(event)
[docs] def subscription(self, subscription, callback, subscriber=None, priority=100): '''Return context manager with *callback* subscribed to *subscription*. The subscribed callback will be automatically unsubscribed on exit of the context manager. ''' return _SubscriptionContext( self, subscription, callback, subscriber=subscriber, priority=priority, )
# Socket.IO interface. # def _get_socket_io_session(self): '''Connect to server and retrieve session information.''' socket_io_url = ( '{0}://{1}/{2}&api_key={3}' ).format( self.server.scheme, self.get_network_location(), self._api_user, self._api_key ) try: response = requests.get( socket_io_url, timeout=60 # 60 seconds timeout to recieve errors faster. ) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as error: raise ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError( 'Timed out connecting to server: {0}.'.format(error) ) except requests.exceptions.SSLError as error: raise ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError( 'Failed to negotiate SSL with server: {0}.'.format(error) ) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error: raise ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError( 'Failed to connect to server: {0}.'.format(error) ) else: status = response.status_code if status != 200: raise ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError( 'Received unexpected status code {0}.'.format(status) ) # Parse result and return session information. parts = response.text.split(':') return SocketIoSession( parts[0], parts[1], parts[3].split(',') ) def _add_packet_callback(self, callback): '''Store callback against a new unique packet ID. Return the unique packet ID. ''' with self._lock: self._unique_packet_id += 1 unique_identifier = self._unique_packet_id self._packet_callbacks[unique_identifier] = callback return '{0}+'.format(unique_identifier) def _pop_packet_callback(self, packet_identifier): '''Pop and return callback for *packet_identifier*.''' return self._packet_callbacks.pop(packet_identifier) def _emit_event_packet(self, namespace, event, callback): '''Send *event* packet under *namespace*.''' data = self._encode( dict(name=namespace, args=[event]) ) self._send_packet( self._code_name_mapping['event'], data=data, callback=callback ) def _acknowledge_packet(self, packet_identifier, *args): '''Send acknowledgement of packet with *packet_identifier*.''' packet_identifier = packet_identifier.rstrip('+') data = str(packet_identifier) if args: data += '+{1}'.format(self._encode(args)) self._send_packet(self._code_name_mapping['acknowledge'], data=data) def _send_packet(self, code, data='', callback=None): '''Send packet via connection.''' path = '' packet_identifier = ( self._add_packet_callback(callback) if callback else '' ) packet_parts = (str(code), packet_identifier, path, data) packet = ':'.join(packet_parts) try: self._connection.send(packet) self.logger.debug(L(u'Sent packet: {0}', packet)) except socket.error as error: raise ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError( 'Failed to send packet: {0}'.format(error) ) def _receive_packet(self): '''Receive and return packet via connection.''' try: packet = self._connection.recv() except Exception as error: raise ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError( 'Error receiving packet: {0}'.format(error) ) try: parts = packet.split(':', 3) except AttributeError: raise ftrack_api.exception.EventHubPacketError( 'Received invalid packet {0}'.format(packet) ) code, packet_identifier, path, data = None, None, None, None count = len(parts) if count == 4: code, packet_identifier, path, data = parts elif count == 3: code, packet_identifier, path = parts elif count == 1: code = parts[0] else: raise ftrack_api.exception.EventHubPacketError( 'Received invalid packet {0}'.format(packet) ) self.logger.debug(L('Received packet: {0}', packet)) return code, packet_identifier, path, data def _handle_packet(self, code, packet_identifier, path, data): '''Handle packet received from server.''' code_name = self._code_name_mapping[code] if code_name == 'connect': self.logger.debug('Connected to event server.') event = ftrack_api.event.base.Event('ftrack.meta.connected') self._prepare_event(event) self._event_queue.put(event) elif code_name == 'disconnect': self.logger.debug('Disconnected from event server.') if not self._intentional_disconnect: self.logger.debug( 'Disconnected unexpectedly. Attempting to reconnect.' ) try: self.reconnect( attempts=self._auto_reconnect_attempts, delay=self._auto_reconnect_delay ) except ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError: self.logger.debug('Failed to reconnect automatically.') else: self.logger.debug('Reconnected successfully.') if not self.connected: event = ftrack_api.event.base.Event('ftrack.meta.disconnected') self._prepare_event(event) self._event_queue.put(event) elif code_name == 'heartbeat': # Reply with heartbeat. self._send_packet(self._code_name_mapping['heartbeat']) elif code_name == 'message': self.logger.debug(L('Message received: {0}', data)) elif code_name == 'event': payload = self._decode(data) args = payload.get('args', []) if len(args) == 1: event_payload = args[0] if isinstance(event_payload, collections.Mapping): try: event = ftrack_api.event.base.Event(**event_payload) except Exception: self.logger.exception(L( 'Failed to convert payload into event: {0}', event_payload )) return self._event_queue.put(event) elif code_name == 'acknowledge': parts = data.split('+', 1) acknowledged_packet_identifier = int(parts[0]) args = [] if len(parts) == 2: args = self._decode(parts[1]) try: callback = self._pop_packet_callback( acknowledged_packet_identifier ) except KeyError: pass else: callback(*args) elif code_name == 'error': self.logger.error(L('Event server reported error: {0}.', data)) else: self.logger.debug(L('{0}: {1}', code_name, data)) def _encode(self, data): '''Return *data* encoded as JSON formatted string.''' return json.dumps( data, default=self._encode_object_hook, ensure_ascii=False ) def _encode_object_hook(self, item): '''Return *item* transformed for encoding.''' if isinstance(item, ftrack_api.event.base.Event): # Convert to dictionary for encoding. item = dict(**item) if 'in_reply_to_event' in item: # Convert keys to server convention. item['inReplyToEvent'] = item.pop('in_reply_to_event') return item raise TypeError('{0!r} is not JSON serializable'.format(item)) def _decode(self, string): '''Return decoded JSON *string* as Python object.''' return json.loads(string, object_hook=self._decode_object_hook) def _decode_object_hook(self, item): '''Return *item* transformed.''' if isinstance(item, collections.Mapping): if 'inReplyToEvent' in item: item['in_reply_to_event'] = item.pop('inReplyToEvent') return item
class _SubscriptionContext(object): '''Context manager for a one-off subscription.''' def __init__(self, hub, subscription, callback, subscriber, priority): '''Initialise context.''' self._hub = hub self._subscription = subscription self._callback = callback self._subscriber = subscriber self._priority = priority self._subscriberIdentifier = None def __enter__(self): '''Enter context subscribing callback to topic.''' self._subscriberIdentifier = self._hub.subscribe( self._subscription, self._callback, subscriber=self._subscriber, priority=self._priority ) def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): '''Exit context unsubscribing callback from topic.''' self._hub.unsubscribe(self._subscriberIdentifier) class _ProcessorThread(threading.Thread): '''Process messages from server.''' daemon = True def __init__(self, client): '''Initialise thread with Socket.IO *client* instance.''' super(_ProcessorThread, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger( __name__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__ ) self.client = client self.done = threading.Event() def run(self): '''Perform work in thread.''' while not self.done.is_set(): try: code, packet_identifier, path, data = self.client._receive_packet() self.client._handle_packet(code, packet_identifier, path, data) except ftrack_api.exception.EventHubPacketError as error: self.logger.debug(L('Ignoring invalid packet: {0}', error)) continue except ftrack_api.exception.EventHubConnectionError: self.cancel() # Fake a disconnection event in order to trigger reconnection # when necessary. self.client._handle_packet('0', '', '', '') break except Exception as error: self.logger.debug(L('Aborting processor thread: {0}', error)) self.cancel() break def cancel(self): '''Cancel work as soon as possible.''' self.done.set()